Thursday, December 13, 2012

The idea of forgiveness.

The idea of forgiveness.  

I am in a more tranquil state of late and have decided to move on and forgive all those that hate me.  Even though I am not Christian, and they are, thus incumbent upon them to forgive me.  I will forgive them just because I feel they may be spiteful, malicious and bitter people that, oddly, need my help and example.   

I hold no ill will to any in that town; their crimes speak for them and their god.  I need not hold hate in my heart or seek vengeance, I need to seek tolerance and forgiveness. 

I do not despise their lies nor their sociopathic preying/praying that still pries.  Their slander, and their stalking, speak for their town; and now I ask only for the beginning of the end; of our encounter. 

I seek to see y'all later in a more peaceful state and to this end I offer you my forgiveness and not my hate.  Please accept this statement as an example and not an exit.  I am touched y'all still think of me and my existence.  To this end, and the end of us; I offer you my simple forgiveness. 

LLaP & Jolan Tru Y'all. 

An idea about Pantheism.

 An idea about Pantheism. 

An idea I had about Pantheism; if Man Thinks and therefore he is does this mean everything Man thinks of becomes Real somewhere in the Universe?

I stated this idea out-loud in San Angelo, and it seemed to be well received, and it seems like a rational explanation for a lot of humans' belief systems and legends; well, 'rational' if you know what I mean?

I have recently seen movies and am starting to think that many ideas are valid to artists and those that feel tapped-out; so I will give a few out later on in my life.  I forgot the power of the First Right to not only destroy but to create.

I am becoming happier, even though people still tend to think I am duplicitous, but I use the label of 'atheist' simply for the benefit of others; since, ironically, looking-up the definition of pantheism is still a bit too much trouble for much to go through.

"I think therefor I am" ... thus if you think it it becomes real.  More philosophical than rational but then again ... I was dealing with San Angelo.

LLaP & Jolan Tru Y'all

Thursday, November 8, 2012

So I was called a pedophile!!!

The short and fast of this is, the morons in west-Texas actually thought I was a pedophile, and they slandered me with this label, simply because I was a proud atheist.

Now to most of y'all, this will seem unbelievably crazy and a crime to sue the town over.  Unfortunately I was going through some more serious issues at the time and holding a town full of colluding Christians accountable to American standards and laws was not on my plate.

But yes; this whole town of ignorant morons called me a pedophile simply because I am an atheist and proud of it.

Now just to be clear, to you rational beings, just because someone is godless does not mean they will do any godless thing.  I can look back on it now and laugh, even though that slander still follows me to this day, because it is just more proof that San Angelo is filled with masses of morons.  The hard evidence of this, and the waste of precious tax-dollars that town is, will come in later posts.

For now I am trying to get settled in to another new life, new American dream, and I am practicing doing what I love.  Thanks for any support and keep reading y'all.

LLaP & Jolan Tru. 

In the beginning ...

In the beginning I was lost in the vast western plains of Texas.  I was too old for still being in school and not being a doctor and was again on my own.  I was in a bad place mentally, emotionally, financially and personally, but was doing the only thing I knew how to do; and that was learn.

Now people tend to look down on what they call professional students, but I did not know this or care because I had been surrounded by professional students my whole life and it seemed to be a sign of gradual success.  I had never learned that most normal people try to push-down others, mock them and abuse them just to make themselves feel better.  I had forgotten these things because I had learned to mind my own business and had my own personal life.

I had been in a relationship for over a decade, nearly half my life at that point, and thought I had it all figured out.  I had given up on making ground-breaking discoveries, millions of dollars, wielding world power, or changing the world; I simply wanted to get paid and laid.

A god was no longer part of the equation, that guy left my life long ago, and no one seemed to care ... so I thought.  Apparently there are still huge sections of America that house and breed huge judgmental hypocrite-morons; and the name of such a place is San Angelo, Texas.

Now this town seems normal enough at first glance, over a hundred thousand residents, military base, movie theater and a college; plus they have computers and the internet and such.  So what could the problem be ... right?  Well apparently this God character. 

Now just like the terrorists that attacked U.S. over a decade ago used their belief in a God to rationalize and justify flying planes into our lives; the "Christians" in San Angelo do the same thing; just on a personal level.  If I were to tell you the whole truth, and I eventually intend to, you will think I am crazy; but it is not I who is crazy but small towns and the people that have a delusional belief system. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

So the journey continues ...

Just writing to tell y'all that things are going well and I have found my True Love again ... writing.  I shall write about the things the religious have done; now that I have spent near a year researching how to write.

I will continue to inform y'all as to what was done to me in the name of God and how the religious interact with me; based on my own rational belief system.  I am also trying to get back into the whole spiritual thing since for a few months that seemed to really help; but as always, if you do not agree one-hundred percent with what the religious say and do then they ostracize you.

As Cicero said "To avoid criticism; say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."  

Also as the Romulans say "Knowledge is power, thus to be truly unknown is to be unconquerable.

LLaP & Jolan Tru Y'all!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


  As an atheist I never really concerned myself with god or gods.  I was raised fairly normal, I went to private Baptist school, went to church occasionally, read the Bible and even thought I could feel God's presence in my life.  There never seemed to be an issue between god and myself, and I never had a problem with him.  I did not have a negative experience with god or religious people in general; until recently.

  It all seemed to start when I went to an Atheist convention in Houston, the "out campaign" I believe it was called.  Oddly, I never felt a reason to hide it or even mention my lack of a belief in a god.  No one ever really asked, no one ever really seemed to notice me or even care about me.  My life seemed very normal and un-special for many years, exactly like I wanted it to be; but if Dr. Dawkins thought atheists should be more 'Out' then fine, I would try and do my little part.  What harm could it do?

 The answer to this question was a whole lot!